
Two-dimensional space

A two-dimensional space is a mathematical space with two dimensions, meaning points have two degrees of freedom.


Written pseudonymously by A Square, the book used the fictional two-dimensional world of Flatland to comment on the hierarchy of Victorian culture, but the ... Flatland (2007 Ehlinger film) · Flatland (2007 Johnson and... · Edwin Abbott Abb

How To Scientifically Design A 2-Dimensional World? (I)

I am talking about a scientifically designed 2-dimensional world with its own laws of physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, etc.

Could Our Universe Be 2

When we say two-dimensional, they are not like our television screens. Rather, two-dimensional here is like a hologram, with information of ...


No, they do not really exist. Take the three dimensions of space x,y,z; They are imaginary coordinates that are never positioned the same twice.

What would a two-dimensional world be like?

Nothing, you would have Height plus Width or Length and no passing of Time. Space-time is what allows Energy to become Matter as it allows ...

What does a two dimensional world look like?

When three dimensional space is collapsed into two dimensions, what does it look like according to the book? Is it all layers of an object ...

Does 2D exist in our World? : rAskPhysics

The two-dimensional world is just a way of moving. There's no substance.The concept of dimension is defined by humans, and the concept of ...

Life could exist in a 2D universe (according to physics, anyway)

It suggests 2D networks can support surprisingly complex behavior. Of course, it does not amount to proof that a 2+1 universe could support life ...

If You Lived in a Flat 2D World, Here's What You'd Look Like

What does a 4D ball look like in real life? Amazing experiment shows spherical version of tesseract.


Atwo-dimensionalspaceisamathematicalspacewithtwodimensions,meaningpointshavetwodegreesoffreedom.,WrittenpseudonymouslybyASquare,thebookusedthefictionaltwo-dimensionalworldofFlatlandtocommentonthehierarchyofVictorianculture,butthe ...Flatland(2007Ehlingerfilm)·Flatland(2007Johnsonand...·EdwinAbbottAbb,Iamtalkingaboutascientificallydesigned2-dimensionalworldwithitsownlawsofphysics,astronomy,chem...